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Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

You've been kind enough to visit the site and perhaps share a few of your details, so it's only fair to let you know how your information is used:

- data such as the browser you've used to visit the site, the type of device used and your general location when visiting the site is collected from your anonymised IP address in order to provide improved services to site visitors. None of this information can be used to personally identify you

- your email address or other personal details you provide will only  be used to give you shout outs to information you might find relevant.  You can always unsubscribe here if you change your mind

- the aim of having you  as part of the c da sound community is for you to benefit from the advice and experience offered so we are not about passing your details on to any third parties.  We're sure your smart enough to choose for yourself who else contacts you!

- by providing your details you agree to your information being used this way

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